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Reflection on Cynefin helping Agile Retrospectives
Retrospectives Antipatterns
Lessons learned in Retrospectives
A facilitation love story
Reflection on the retro on retros event
In this short five minutes reflection I will tell you about the upcoming retro on retros.
Reflection on personal retrospectives
In this short five minutes reflection I will tell you about personal retrospectives.
Imago dialogue to improve communication in your retrospective
Suddenly remote retrospectives
Retrospectives are boring and useless
Gitte share some insights on how to avoid boring and useless retrospectives.
Reflection before world retrospective day 2020
An agile retrospective with the Beatles
Positive emotional attractor and negative emotional attractor in retrospectives
More conversations on remote retrospective facilitation
A retrospectives is where the action is
Reflection on picking a retrospective framework instead of activities
Retrospectives for organizational change
Reflection on roles in retrospectives
Discovering retrospectives from the International Association of Facilitators point of view
Reflection on voting in retrospectives
Retrospective Facilitators Gathering (RFG) 2019
Preparing and facilitating a large retrospective
Beyond retrospectives using Toyota Learning Kata
Why would you write a book about retrospectives?
War time US Navy debriefings and retrospectives
War time US Army after action review and retrospectives
War time debriefings in the US Marine Corps and retrospectives
Retrospective learning with double loop learning
The end goal of a retrospective
Remote retrospectives challenges and advantages
The five steps retrospective framework
In this episode we talk with Diana Larsen about the origins and reasons for the 5 steps framework.
Introduce change in retrospectives
Becoming a facilitator
What is a powerful retrospective