Lessons learned in Retrospectives
with Paul Boos
Paul is an agile coach, he’s helping expand and strengthen the Agile Coach Camp initiative, we met at the Retrospective Facilitator Gathering last year. I’ve asked him what his focus is in retrospectives given the recent shift to online plus lessons learned during his experience facilitating retrospectives.
About the guest
Short bio
Paul is an IT Executive Coach with Excella helping managers and teams improve their game. He focuses on pragmatic ways Agile, Lean, and leadership techniques can be applied to create more effective organizations. Paul has led small teams to large groups as a Federal, commercial, and contractor software development manager and coached numerous organizations in the private and public sectors. As an active community member, he has founded several Agile groups, a government-centric Agile conference, and serves as the chair for the Agile Alliance’s Agile Coach Camp Initiative.
- Twitter: @paul_boos
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulboos/
- eMails: pmboos@yahoo.com (personal) paul.boos@excella.com (work)
- blog: paulmboos.com